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  • Writer's pictureNikki Boatwright

Jackson Hole: Blast from the Past

After setting off on my 2 week road trip, Jackson Hole, WY was one of my first stops. By complete coincidence, I found out the day before I arrived that an old friend was going to be there during the same time frame. Now, what's crazy is that the one and only other time I've been to Jackson Hole had been 20 years before and it was to move this SAME friend there! She's been back in her home town of Athens, Georgia for a long time, but she visits Jackson Hole at least once a year, so I couldn't have asked for a better tour guide!

The highlight of my time there (other than catching up with my friend, of course) was biking through the Grand Teton National Park. I'm still a little surprised I didn't fall off my bike taking the video below!

Bike rides are one of life's most simple and beautiful pleasures, in my opinion. There is something so pure and joyful about the wind blowing through my hair and the feeling of freedom that reminds me of childhood. The weather was perfect and we were able to cap off the 10 mile ride with a cold beer at the end of the ride.

There's so much more to say about the Jackson Hole area, but I'll wait for another post.

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Oct 12, 2020

That bike video is breathtaking!! I held my breath the entire time hoping you didn’t fall. 😉💜 It was also a spectacular view.

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