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  • Writer's pictureNikki Boatwright

Montana: A River Runs Through It

For anyone who hasn't visited Montana, you should plan a trip as soon as possible. It's one of the most gorgeous states in the US. Now, I'm a child of summer, so I recommend visiting during the warmer months, but there's plenty to do in the winter months as well - skiing, snowmobiling, dog sledding. snow shoeing, fat biking, and even sleigh rides!

I almost wrecked my SUV trying to get pulled over, so I could catch the train in this shot below, but just look at that landscape! This is what I think of when I hear "America the Beautiful".

After spending several days in Yellowstone, I headed to Montana. My ultimate goal was to spend a few days in Glacier National Park and take my time getting there with visits to Billings, Bozeman, and Missoula along the way. Unfortunately, looking ahead into the forecast, I knew that even if I drove straight through with no stops, I would only have a day and a half of sunshine before rain moved in for several days. So, I beelined it to Glacier

The park had just opened up partially, so some areas were inaccessible, most notably the Going to the Sun Road. The upside of the park being newly and only partially opened was that it was not crowded, so no long lines of unmoving cars or full parking lots.

One of most lovely things about Glacier NP and Montana in general are all the rivers! It brought to mind the movie directed by Robert Redford and starring Brad Pitt,

A River Runs Through It. I won't lie, I thought about Brad Pitt a lot on that leg of the trip and it may or may not have been the first movie I watched when I eventually made my way home. 😀

After a day and a half of gorgeous weather, I was rained out and decided to chase the sunshine down to Utah.

I was so enamored with Glacier National Park that I made the trip back 2 months later, so I could spend more time and see the areas of the park that weren't open on my first trip.

This is the part where I cheat a little and veer off of chronological order because my next post it going to cover my 2nd trip to Glacier NP.

I can't wait to share more about my 2nd trip to the park. Check back soon for more!


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